Lesson 05 营销计划(1 / 2)

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  lesson 05 营销计划
  advertisement plans
  01 we are going to advertise our new product online.
  单词释义 advertise [??dv?ta?z] vt. 做宣传,做广告,通告 vi. 做宣传,做广告,登广告
  02 what advertising media are you going to use?
  what advertising media will you use? / can you tell me the advertising media that you are going to use?
  03 television is much more effective in advertising.
  much more是固定短语,相当于一个副词,表示“更加,更多”。effective是effect的衍生词汇,effect既可以做名词也可以作动词,意为“影响,效果;使发生,引起”,而effective常作形容词,表示“有效的,起作用的,实际的”。
  04 have you decided the item that will be the key products to promote this year?
  have you made the decision that which product will be promoted this year? / have you got the item that will be promoted this year?
  05 how long does it take to build the market?
  how long will the market be established? / how long will the market be set?
  06 we decided to put advertisements about our new product.
  词组释义 put advertisements 投放广告,刊登广告
  07 we definitely need to choose internet as a means of marketing.
  internet must be chosen as a means of marketing. / we have to choose internet as a way of marketing.
  08 we must accelerate our advertising.
  我们必须加快广告宣传进度。 ↑返回顶部↑
